GOLF EXPRESS and CHEADLE GOLF CLUB are holding a 9 HOLE OPEN on Sunday 8th October 2017
Prizes 1st, 2nd and 3rd and spot prizes on all 9 holes.
There will also be prizes of any “Hole in One” on the following holes 2nd: £5000, 7th: 3 nights at Marriot Praia del Rey and the 9th: 2 nights at Forest of Arden
Format: Pairs Betterball Stableford 90% Handicap a valid Congu Handicap is required maximum 28 Men, 36 Ladies
Start times: from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm
Entry fee: £20 per pair any age and gender
To book a tee time
Email :
Phone : Tom Clancy PGA professional 0161 428 9878 extn 2
or complete the entry form from and return with your entry fee to the 9 Hole Organiser, Cheadle Golf Club, Shiers Drive, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 1HW
Click to access Golf-Express-9-Hole-Open-2017.pdf
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